Union Forces Engaged at Fort Fisher - 47th NY Voulnteer Infantry

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The Union Forces Engaged At Fort Fisher N.C.
The Union Army  Major General Alfred H. Terry

Second Division  Brig. General Adelbert Ames
First Brigade   Colonel N. Martin Curtis
3rd N.Y.       Captain James H. Reeve
Lieut. Edwin A. Behan
112th N.Y.     Colonel John F. Smith
117th N.Y.     Lieut. Colonel Francis X. Meyer
142d N.Y.      Lieut. Colonel Albert M. Barney
Second Brigade  Colonel Galusha Pennypacker
 Major Oliver P. Harding
3rd N.Y.       Captain James H. Reeve
Lieut. Edwin A. Behan
112th N.Y.     Colonel John F. Smith
117th N.Y.     Lieut. Colonel Francis X. Meyer
142d N.Y.      Lieut. Colonel Albert M. Barney
Second Brigade  Colonel Galusha Pennypacker
Major Oliver P. Harding
3rd N.Y.       Captain James H. Reeve
117th N.Y.     Lieut. Colonel Francis X. Meyer
112th N.Y.     Colonel John F. Smith
Lieut. Edwin A. Behan
142d N.Y.      Lieut. Colonel Albert M. Barney
Second Brigade  Colonel Galusha Pennypacker
 Major Oliver P. Harding
3rd N.Y.       Captain James H. Reeve
Lieut. Edwin A. Behan
112th N.Y.     Colonel John F. Smith
117th N.Y.     Lieut. Colonel Francis X. Meyer
142d N.Y.      Lieut. Colonel Albert M. Barney
Second Brigade  Colonel Galusha Pennypacker
 Major Oliver P. Harding
First Brigade   Colonel N. Martin Curtis
3rd N.Y.       Captain James H. Reeve
Lieut. Edwin A. Behan
112th N.Y.     Colonel John F. Smith
117th N.Y.     Lieut. Colonel Francis X. Meyer
142d N.Y.      Lieut. Colonel Albert M. Barney
Second Brigade  Colonel Galusha Pennypacker
   Major Oliver P. Harding
3rd N.Y.       Captain James H. Reeve
Lieut. Edwin A. Behan
112th N.Y.     Colonel John F. Smith
117th N.Y.     Lieut. Colonel Francis X. Meyer
142d N.Y.      Lieut. Colonel Albert M. Barney
47th N.Y.      Captain Joseph M. McDonald
48th N.Y.      Lieut. Colonel William B. Coan
Major Nere A. Elfwing
76th Pa.       Colonel John S. Littell
Major Charles Knerr
97th Pa.       Lieut. John Wainwright
203rd Pa.      Colonel John W. Moore
Lieut. Colonel James W. Lyman
Major Oliver P. Harding
Captain Heber B. Essington
Third Brigade   Colonel Louis Bell
 Colonel Alonzo Alden
13th  Ind.     Lieut. Colonel Samuel M. Zent
4th   N.H.     Captain John H. Roberts
115th N.Y.     Lieut. Colonel Nathan J. Johnson
169th N.Y.     Colonel Alonzo Alden Lieut. Colonel James A. Colvin
Second Brigade(1) Colonel Joseph C. Abbott
6th Conn.      Colonel Alfred P.Rockwell
7th Conn.      Captain John Thompson Captain William S. Marble
3d  N.H.       Captain William H. Trickey
7th N.H.       Lieut. Colonel Augustus W. Rollins
16th N.Y. Heavy Artillery (detachment) Major Frederick W. Prince
Third Division(colored troops) Brig. General Charles J. Paine.
Second Brigade  Colonel John W. Ames
4th  U.S.      Lieut. Colonel George Rogers
6th  U.S.      Major A.S. Boernstein
30th U.S.      Lieut. Colonel H.A. Oakman
39th U.S.      Colonel O.P. Stearns
Third Brigade   Colonel Elias Wright
1st  U.S.      Lieut. Colonel Giles H. Rich
5th  U.S.      Major William R. Brazie
10th U.S.      Lieut. Colonel Edward H. Powell
27th U.S.      Colonel A.M. Blackman
37th U.S.      Colonel Nathan Goff Jr.
B G and L 1st Conn. Heavy Captain William G. Pride
16th N.Y. Battery Captain Richard H. Lee
E 3rd U.S.     Lieut. John R. Myrick
A and I 15th N.Y. Lieut. K.S.O'Keefe

The effective strength of the force above enumerated was nearly 8000.
The loss aggregated 184 killed 749 wounded and 22 missing = 955.
By the explosion of a magazine the day after the capture there were
25 killed, 66 wounded and 13 missing.

Naval Force At Fort Fisher Dec. 23-26 1864 And Jan. 13-16 1865
North Atlantic Squadroon  Rear Admiral David D. Porter, Commanding
Fleet Captain  Lieut Commander K.R. Breese
Signal Officer Lieut. M.W. Sanders
Aide           Lieutenant S.W. Terry
Aide Lieutenant S.W. Preston (k)
Fisrt Division   Commodore Henry K. Thatcher
Second Division  Commodore Joseph Lanman
Third Division   Commodore James Findlay Schenck
Fourth Division  Commodore S.W. Godon
Iron-Clad Division Commodore William Radford
Malvern(flagship) Lieut. William B. Cushing (1st attack)
Lieut. B.H. Porter (k) (2d attack)
Canonicus      Lieut. Commander George E. Belknap
Mahopac        Lieut. Commander E.E. Potter (1st attack)
Lieut. Commander A.W. Weaver (2d attack)
Monadnock      Commander E.G. Parrott
New Ironsides Commodore William Radford
Saugus         Commander E.R. Colhoun
Screw Frigates
Colorado       Commodore H.K. Thatcher
Minnesota      Commodore Joseph Lanman
Wabash         Captain M. Smith
Side Wheel Steamers (1st class)
Powhatan       Commodore J.F. Schenck
Susquehanna    Commodore S.W. Godon
Screw Sloops
Brooklyn       Captain James Alden
Juniata        Captain W.R. Taylor (1st attack)
Lieut. Commander T.S. Phelps (2d attack)
Mohican         Commander D. Ammen
Shenandoah      Captain D.B. Ridgely
Ticonderoga     Captain C.Steedman
Tuscarora       Commander J.M. Frailey
Screw Gun Vessels
Kansas         Lieut. Commander P.G. Watmough
Maumee         Lieut. Commander R. Chandler
Nyack          Lieut. Commander L.H. Newman
Pequot         Lieut. Commander D.L. Braine
Yantic         Lieut. Commander T.C. Harris
Screw Gun Boats
Chippewa      Lieut. Commander A.W. Weaver (1st attack)
 Lieut. Commander E.E. Potter (2d attack)
Huron          Lieut. Commander T.O. Selfridge
Seneca         Lieut. Commander M.Sicard
Unadilla       Lieut. Commander F.M. Ramsay
Double Enders
Iosco          Commander John Guest
Mackinaw      Commander J.C.Beaumont
Maratanza      Lieut. Commander G.W. Young
Osceola        Commander J.M.B. Clitz
Pawtuxet      Commander J.H. Spotts
Pontoosuc     Lieut. Commander Wm. G. Temple
Sassacus      Lieut. Commander J.L. Davis
Tacony         Lieut. Commander W.T. Truxtun
Fort Jackson   Captain B.F. Sands
Monticello     Acting V. Lieut. D.A. Campbell (1st attack)
Lieut. W.B. Cushing (2nd attack)
Nereus         Commander J.C. Howell
Quaker City    Commander W.F. Spicer
Rhode Island   Commander S.D. Trenchard
Santiago de Cuba Captain O.S. Glisson
Vanderbilt     Captain C.W. Pickering
Powder Vessel
Louisiana      Commander A.C. Rhind (1st attack blown up)
A.D. Vance     Lieut. Commander J.H. Upshur
Alabama        Acting V. Lieut. Frank Smith (1st attack)
   Acting V. Lieut. A.R. Langthorne (2nd attack)
Britannia      Acting V. Lieut. Samuel Huse (1st attack)
    Acting V. Lieut. W.A. Sheldon (2nd attack)
Cherokee       Acting V. Lieut. W.E. Denison.
Emma           Acting V. Lieut. T.C. Dunn (1st attack)
 Acting V. Lieut. J.M. Williams (2nd attack)
Gettysburg     Lieut. Commander R.H. Lamson (w)
   Governor Buckingham Acting V. Lieut. J. McDiarmid
Howquah        Acting V. Lieut. J.W. Balch
Keystone State  Commander H. Rolando
Lilian          Acting V. Lieut. T.A. Harris
Little Ada      Acting Master S.P. Crafts
Moccasin        Acting Ensign James Brown
Nansemond       Acting Master J.H. Porter
Tristram Shandy Acting Ensign Ben Wood (1st attack)
                    Acting V. Lieut. F.M. Green (2nd attack)
Wilderness     Acting Master H. Arey
At the second attack the fleet was composed of the same vessels with the exception of the Nyack, Keystone State,
and Quaker City.  The following additions were also made to the fleet:
Montgomery      Acting V. Lieut. T.C. Dunn
R.R. Cuyler     Commander C.H.B. Caldwell
Aries           Act V. Lieut. F.S. Wells
Eolus           Acting Master E.S. Keyser
Fort Donelson   Acting Master G.W. Frost
Republic        Acting Ensign J.W. Bennett.
Armament Of The Fleet
In the first attack the armament of the fleet was:
   Qty       Type
    10     15-inch S.B.
    27     11-inch S.B.
    1      10-inch S.B.
    255    9-inch S.B.
    30     8-inch S.B.
    31     32-pounders S.B.
    10     150-pounders R.
    37     100-pounders R.
    5      60-pounders R.
    1      50-pounder R.
    43     30-pounders R.
    28     20-pounders R.
    total guns:        478
   68      24-pounders
   73      12-pounders
   total howitzers:   141
    grand total:     619
  In the second attack there were 1 more 10-inch S.B., 2 fewer 9-inch S.B.,   2 more 8-inch S.B., 8 more 32-pounders S.B., 8 fewer 100-pounders R.,   1 fewer 50-pounder R., 5 more 30-pounders R. 1 fewer 20-pounder R.,   4 more 12-pounder howitzers, making 4 more guns and 4 more howitzers
  grand total:      627

 Landing Party At Fort Fisher Jan. 15, 1865
Officers, Seamen And Marines: 2,261 total
Lieut. Commander K.R. Breese, Fleet Captain, commanding
First Division  Captain L.L. Dawson, U.S.M.C.
Second Division Lieut. Commander C.H. Cushman (w)
Third Division  Lieut. Commander James Parker
Fourth Division Lieut. Commander T.O. Selfridge
Pioneers        Lieut. S.W. Preston (k)
Malvern         60 men    Lieut. B.H. Porter (k)
Colorado        218 men   Lieut. H.B. Robeson
Minnesota       241 men   Lieut. Commander James Parker
Wabash          188 men   Lieut. Commander C.H. Cushman (w)
Powhatan        100 men   Lieut. George M. Bache (w)
Susquehanna     75 men    Lieut. Commander F.B. Blake
Brooklyn        70 men(est.) Acting Ensign D. Cassell
Juniata         69 men    Acting Master C.H. Hamilton (w)
Mohican         52 men    Acting Master W. Burdett
Shenandoah      71 men    Lieut. S.W. Nichols
Ticonderoga     60 men    Ensign G. W. Coffin (w)
Tuscarora       60 men    Lieut. Commander W.N. Allen (w)
Kansas          20 men    Acting Ensign Williams
Pequot          44 men    Acting Ensign G. Lamb
Yantic          45 men    Acting Ensign J.C. Lord
Chippewa        24 men    Acting Ensign G.H.Wood
Huron           34 men    Lieut. Commander T.O. Selfridge
Seneca          29 men    Lieut. Commander M. Sicard
Iosco           44 men    Acting Ensign W. Jameson
Mackinaw        45 men    Acting Master A.J. Louch (w)
Maratanza       51 men    Acting Master J.B.Wood(w)
Osceola        39 men    Acting Ensign J.F. Merry (w)
Pawtuxet        40 men (est.) Acting Ensign UJ.A. Slamm
Pontoosuc       42 men    Acting Ensign L.R. Chester (w)
Sassacus        37 men    Acting Ensign W.H. Mayer
Tacony          32 men    Acting Ensign J.B. Taney
Fort Jackson    69 men    Lieut. S. H. Hunt
Monticello      41 men    Lieut. W.B. Cushing
Nereus          61 men    Acting Ensign E.G. Dayton
Rhode Island    47 men    Lieut. F.R. Smith
Santiago de Cuba 53 men   Lieut. N.H. Farquhar.
Vanderbilt      70 men (est.) Acting V. Lieut. J.D. Danels
Gettysburg     71 men    Lieut. R.H. Lamson (w)
Tristram Shandy 22 men    Acting Ensign B. Wood (w)
Montgomery      37 men    Acting Master W. N. Wells
Total:   2,261 men
Parenthetical one (1) denotes a First Division unit temporarily assigned to Second Division.

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